Sunrise and sunset are known to be sacred times of the day. It is said to be a time when the veil between this world and the spiritual world is thinner and deeply profound meditative states can be reached. Therefore a great way to start the day is with a silent meditation. Observe Moana in the morning. It is the practice of silence. Allow the mind to be silent to cultivate a deeper meditation practice. The slower you allow your mind to be as sunrise approaches, the easier your transition into the day can be.
After a period of meditation, you may want to begin a physical meditation practice. A great way to praise the rising sun is through Surya Namaskar. These are sun salutations. Sun salutations are a moving prayer that honors the sun and its role in providing life prana (life force energy) and giving us balance and rhythm to life. To practice Surya Namaskar, find a flat ground preferably facing the rising sun. You may use a yoga mat or not depending on how much support you need. If you have trouble with your knees, you may benefit from a mat or using a blanket to support your knees. Wear comfortable clothing like yoga shorts. Depending on where you are in the world, it is commonly cooler in the mornings. If needed, wear yoga leggings and maybe a light sweater.
Take a moment to root into the ground. Close your eyes and breathe. Focus on your breathing, and you inhale deeply and create a big round belly. Turn the breath into a three-part yogic breath by filling the belly first, then the rib cage, and then the chest. Stand with the legs engaged. Pull your knees in and engage the muscles in your legs. From your navel upward, you are soft and relaxed. Let your arms hang and your shoulder rollback.
As you begin the Surya Namaskar series, allow yourself to pause during the first round, then you bring your hands into prayer position, pause and connect with the breath. Allow each part of the moving meditation to be felt. Continue this practice throughout sunrise, repeating for at least 4-6 rounds. Do more if you can. Allow this practice to ground you and create wakefulness as you start your day.
Another great pose to practice after this is headstand as it allows the unused energy in your body to become transmuted into spiritual energy. This energy can propel you into your day.
Sunset is another great time to practice and meditate. It is another time to observe Moana. A meditation that can safely be practiced at this time is sun gazing, as the sun is not too strong to look at. You may find you will like to go deeper into your yoga practice at sunset than at sunrise because your body is often more flexible and able to move into a deeper expression of poses without pain.
Use these sacred times of the day to deepen your relationship with your body, mind, and spirit. Observe all that is and connect with whatever comes into your reality during yoga.